If you're tired of chasing customers and persuading them to buy

How to get customers to come to you

Who is it important for?

Entrepreneurs, small and medium-sized businesses who are faced with the following:
● insufficient clients and sales● low profitability● stagnant growth● time-consuming client acquisition
And also for those who want to launch a new business quickly and efficiently, without a long search for working solutions.

What's the goal?

A steady stream of clients who come to you, ready to buy. 
One-time buyers become loyal customers. The average order value is growing. More profits and fewer headaches.

How to achieve this?

You can try dozens of freelancers and agencies, among which there will be those who don’t really know anything and are learning at your expense.
Or goes out of touch, periodically promising that “we’ll definitely launch it next month.”

You can spend years studying business and marketing and spend significant amounts of money trying to figure out what works and what doesn't.

At the same time add gray hair in the process.

Or you can turn to someone who has already turned gray in 17 years in development and marketing, with experience in 50+ projects from the inside.

How are we different?

1. We’re not about flashy websites or secret marketing formulas
Our task is to bring you clients and we independently assess what’s necessary to get the job done within the agreed budget.
2. We don’t need to be poked with a stick to get something done.
3. We don’t burden you with the complexities of websites, marketing, chatbots, copywriting, etc.
4. We don't waste your time. Everything works without any attention from you
5. If we can’t assist, we’ll tell you straight away, along with any potential risks

How quickly can you expect results?

About 80% witness an increase in sales starting from the second month.
10% are more complex businesses (most often expensive services and B2B with a long sales period) that require more time and effort.
For another 10%, we will not be able to help and we will notify you about this right away.

What is needed from you?

Your participation is needed during the first 2-3 weeks when we collect essential information.
Afterward, simply focus on serving your new clients, we handle everything, minimizing any unnecessary disruptions for you.
We typically reach out once every couple of months - no need for more frequent interactions.

How do we operate?

We operate within the agreed monthly budget, occasionally handling one-time tasks.
60% of our clients remain with us for over a year (depending on the type and needs of the business). The record is held by a client who has been with us for 8 years.
30% entrusted us with more than one project. The current record stands at 5 businesses managed for a single client.
80% of our new clients come via recommendations from existing ones. Our best is 3 new clients referred by a single person.

Who are we?

I'm shvets. You'll be working with me personally. Behind me stands a team of seasoned specialists.
Each member is engaged only when their expertise is specifically required for your project.

Briefly about me:

● in 2006 created my first website and delved into the world of digital marketing● since 2007 launched multiple projects, including startups backed by venture investments● since 2011 worked as an editor-in-chief, sales director, and project manager on various projects● in 2013 founded a web development and design studio● in 2017 transformed the studio into a marketing agency● in 2021 shifted focus from standard services to crafting and implementing effective sales strategies● in 2024 launching a training program for entrepreneurs and marketers

Our clients' results

A few examples we can showcase. Contact us for more projects and detailed information

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Collaborating since August 2019

Doctor urologist andrologist

5514 leads


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Collaborating since April 2016

IT recruiting agency

3369 leads


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Collaborating since February 2019


3911 leads


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Collaborating from April 2021 to September 2023

Photo Studio

2016 leads


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Collaborated from November 2022 to June 2023

IT/SAP recruiting agency

242 leads


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Collaborated from February 2021 to February 2022

Hair transplantation

719 leads


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Collaborated from June 2021 to February 2022

Pest control

756 leads


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Collaborated from December 2021 to February 2022

Retirement home

246 leads


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Collaborated from June 2018 to April 2019

uPVC Windows

264 leads



Collaborated from March to December 2023

Breaking Department AUDSF

We developed a website and a unique admin panel taking into account the requirements of the Ministry of Sports of Ukraine



Collaborated from September to October 2023

Footwork courses

Developed a website, integrated a training platform and payment system



Collaborated from December 2021 to February 2022

Plastic surgery

Within 2 months before the war, we developed 5 landing pages, launched the first ads, and received 14 applications



Collaborating since June 2017

IT outsourcing

Our Australian partner with whom we have completed more than 5 projects under NDA in Australia and New Zealand


What's next?

Reach out to me with a link to your website or business pages on social networks (if available).
We'll discuss your project, its current status, and objectives.
Once we have a clear understanding, I’ll provide tailored suggestions, estimated costs, and anticipated results.


Reach out to me via Telegram or email

Or send a message via this form


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